The boy in this story is the result of a promise. His mother was a faithful woman, who showed insight and compassion to Elisha and because of that, God blessed her with a son. She didn’t ask for it, but the Lord revealed to Elisha that having a baby was a dream of hers, one that she did not even voice. She asked Elisha not to tease her with such a promise because to do so would hurt worse than not having a baby in the first place. So, of course God was not teasing her, and blessed her with a son. One day, the boy died. The mother marched right over to Elisha and reminded him with anguish that he had promised not to tease her. Elisha went straight away to the boy, she didn’t even have to ask him or tell him what had happened. The way that this verse describes how Elisha prays for the boy, makes me believe that they were friends, that they had a relationship. The symbolism of Elisha covering the boy with his own body, shows such love, such intimacy, a picture of sacrifice…willing the life from his own body to enter that of the boy’s. The boy did start to warm up and come alive, but Elisha didn’t stop there and wait for the boy to revive himself. Elisha kept praying and stretched out on the boy again, until life soared through boy’s body and there could be no doubt that he was alive.
I too have some dreams that have died. Dreams that God fulfilled in my life that I never even spoke, that I didn’t really articulate. I feel as though my dream of having a beautiful "perfect" family is gone. It’s never going to be what I thought it was or what I thought I wanted it to be. God knows though. He knows my dream so intimately… it was His idea in the first place. He isn’t going to just start to heal it, He is going to completely resurrect it. He wasn’t teasing me. He knows who we are as a family, what we are supposed to look like, how we are supposed to live. He is now breathing life into us, putting His hands on our hands, keeping us warm…
God thank you. Thank you for my family. I know that where there was once life, there will be again. I know that you care about the me and my dreams, and that You are working. You are amazing.