Amos is prophesying to the nation of Israel. He’s just reamed them and told them all of the horrible things that they are going to go through, but then… God will redeem them. They’ll rebuild… implies action on the part of the Israelites. Their RUINED cities will be rebuilt, but with effort on their part. Planting and working are also verbs. Yes, they will have land that they can WORK, and food that they can WORK for. He will do HIS work and provide for them what they need. What God is promising them is stability. An example of us doing our end, He will do His end.
I feel like I can claim this promise as my own. The kids and I have been working hard, and God has provided. So many miracles have been present in our lives. The fact that we still have a home, that my car is paid off, that I have had a banquet of groceries, that I've made my 3rd trip to Hawaii, my own personal mecca, in the last year. (after a 16 year absence) And this time I got to take my kids, which is a dream I have held in my heart since I was 18 years old. I am encouraged by this promise of stability. I know that yes, God is our constant, and that no matter what life brings, we are stable in Him. I am excited, and massively nervous, to be planted, stabilized, and sure in the work that God has for me.
Oh God… I don’t know exactly how you are leading me, but when you’re ready to reveal it, please make it OBVIOUS. I will keep working hard in trusting you. Thank you for giving me the tools to rebuild, plant and to work. Help me to keep developing those skills. Thank you for providing for us. Thank you for knowing the dreams in my heart, and for dusting them off. Give me courage to keep going for them. Give my kids hearts geared for adventure. Let them feel stable and planted in our future, wherever and whatever that may be.